CRM – and the many roles in marketing


Business today has gone beyond simply selling to your customers. Your goal ought to have shifted away from just getting customers to building brand loyalists. The best form of marketing is through word of mouth, and you can only get a recommendation from a satisfied customer.

For this reason, you should always aim to satisfy your customers and convert them into your advocates. If you care about your customers and in turn you want them to show so much care for you or your brand, then you need to incorporate CRM into your business.

For this reason, this article will be addressing the role of CRM in marketing. Perhaps you own a brand and you are curious to know how you can increase your brand’s reach, then this would hold a ton of insights for you.

What is CRM?

CRM means Customer Relationship Management. It is a technology that revolves around a brand’s interaction and relationship with its customers. CRM helps you establish a bond between you and your customer and ultimately improve your growth. With CRM, you study the behavior of potential customers through data and insights and later use those data and insights to convert them to your customers.

A customer could make a purchase and stop there, which you do not want. To have a successful brand, you need loyal customers who do more than simply purchase your products. You need brand advocates who would elevate your brand through word of mouth, which you would achieve with the help of Customer Relationship Management.

Nowadays, a lot of companies have employed Customer Relationship Management in their business strategies. With CRM, you can study how customers interact, products or brands they like or consider when in need, and so much more. Having a good knowledge of all this puts you ahead of your competitors who don’t.

Roles of CRM in Marketing

Modern-day marketing should include more aspects of costumers. You should care to study what customers do even when they are not shopping or making a purchase decision. Customers make decisions with premise, which is why you must study them. Finding out what could make that premise for them should be a priority. CRM helps you to achieve this, hence it plays a large role in marketing.

Consumer Relationship Management assists you in increasing your brand’s reach and establishing brand loyalty among customers. It also provides you with insights based on data surrounding your customers and potential customers. Hence, with CRM, your marketing tends to evolve.

Audience Segregation: Audience segregation is easily done with the existence of CRM. Audience segregation involves grouping your audience into different categories like age groups, gender, geographical location, and so on. Through this, you can target these different categories after studying their behaviors, preferences and what works on them. Because CRM offers data and insights on your audience and customers, it supports this process.

Marketing campaigns: With data generated from Customer Relationship Management, you would be well equipped to make targeted marketing campaigns. Data on your audience would show you how your audience behaves and interact with your content and products. You would also gain insights on when and where they are most active and most likely to engage with your content or even purchase your products. Hence, CRM helps you make informed decisions on campaigns.

Tracking Campaign Success: After running marketing campaigns, you want to know if they work as no one wants to operate blindly. How do you measure the success of your marketing campaigns? Through data. CRM supplies you with data and metrics with which you can track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. With this, you can easily decide what works for your brand and what does not.

Building Customer Relationship: The whole point of CRM is to build customer relationships, while the point of marketing is to increase your customer base. CRM plays a huge role in marketing through customer relationships. When you build a strong relationship with your customer, it becomes easy to convince them of your product and so you would have all the marketing you need.

Brand Loyalty: Employing Customer Relationship Management puts you on the right track in improving brand loyalty and customer retention. Apart from acquiring new customers, your priority should also be building a bond of loyalty with your existing ones. CRM aims at making sure your audience transforms from customers to brand advocates who will improve your brand’s reach through word of mouth.

Consumer Decision Journey (CDJ): The consumer decision journey refers to the various stages a potential customer goes through before making the final decision of purchasing a particular brand. The various stages include the Initial Consideration stage, which is the first stage. This stage refers to the moment when a consumer decides he needs a product, but at this stage, he isn’t sure of what brand of the product to consume.

The second stage of the CDJ is the Active Evaluation Stage. In this stage, the said consumer is considering different brands to make a decision of which to purchase. In this stage, the consumer weighs the available options and compares them based on criteria like quality, quantity, and the likes.

The third stage of this journey is the Moment of Purchase. As the name implies, this represents the moment the consumer makes that decision of which brand to purchase and makes the purchase. This is one of the ultimate stages every brand wants to get to. The fourth stage is the Post Purchase Experience which refers to the experience the consumer gets while consuming the product.

The next stage of the CDJ, which is the second ultimate spot, is the Loyalty Loop. This is a route that skips the Active Evaluation Stage. This leads straight to the Moment of Purchase as it represents the route loyal customers take. A loyal customer would not go through the process of evaluating other brands and would just go straight to purchasing from you. This is what you should aspire for as a brand.

CRM influences this Consumer Decision Journey as it helps you to track what point of the journey, consumers interact with your product. Knowing this, you can be informed of how to target and what type of content to push out to customers. It also helps you to determine the placement that would best reach your potential customers.

We have examined the various roles Consumer Relationship Management plays in the process of marketing. This has shown you the relevance of CRM and more reason why you should consider it in your strategies.

Jacob Albers – CTO, SimplyCRM

Can you explain what a CRM system is?

CRM stands for “Customer Relationship Management”. As we all know, customer relationships are essential to the success of any business. Unfortunately, relationship management can be time consuming and requires a great deal of resources. CRM Systems are designed to change that. ‘

The goal of a CRM system is to improve business relationships by helping to manage all customer relationships and interactions in one single place. The streamlined processes offered by CRM systems are designed to organize your relationships with individual customers, users, or suppliers, to help improve customer satisfaction ratings and boost productivity within your own business.

Tell us a little about SimplyCRM:

SimplyCRM is a simple-to-use, all-in-one, platform that provides you with everything you need to manage your customer relations. Our goal is to help you manage projects with tasks, milestones, and visual overviews, while at the same time helping you to generate leads, improve your relationships with existing customers, and create opportunities to advance your customer base.

What are your future goals for SimplyCRM?

Though my background and experience is extensive, my main goal and objective right now is to expand my current business, SimplyCRM, to over 10 different countries including Spain, Germany, England, USA, Norway, and Sweden. My time spent connecting with other CTO’s and learning about other countries has led me to believe that there is a huge market for a CRM system that is simple to use, yet very modular and expandable.

What can you do with SimplyCRM software?

There is so much that you can do with SimplyCRM software! Firstly, SimplyCRM allows you to integrate your emails and calendars directly into the software so that you can send email and marketing campaigns directly from the program. It also brings you closer with the customer by allowing you to view a full customer overview in just a few clicks. With SimplyCRM, you can quickly pull up all customer information including who they last spoke with and what they spoke about.

There’s so many uses for CRM software that I probably can’t cover in a single interview, but whether you want to send personalized updates, engage in lead management strategies, or analyze your customer data, you can do it all with SimplyCRM.


How is SimplyCRM benefiting companies and businesses?

As a like-minded business professional like myself, I’m sure you can see how a piece of software like SimplyCRM could change the course of business. Not only can it reduce the risk of lost leads and customers by reducing the likelihood of human error, but it can also keep all of your customer information in one place so that it is easily obtainable when you need it most. In addition, CRM software can help to improve productivity by freeing up time spent by employees on mundane tasks, and allowing them more time to focus on developing relationships with customers.

Any final words?

As the CTO at SimplyCRM, I am very excited about expanding the business into different countries where I see a gap in the market. I forsee that, like in North America, these countries will quickly see the value in CRM software, and that they can use it in such a way as to push forward their businesses and economies.


Jacob Albers is the CTO/technical expert at Simply CRM. He is a results driven professional with plenty of experience in the areas of each management, project management, and IT. His experience over the years has led him to become an expert in the area of Cloud Software Development, and he now strives to provide businesses with operation, cost management, and risk reduction solutions.






CRM eller Customer Relationship Management-systemer er systemer, der hjælper med at administrere dine kunders data.

Men hvad er et CRM-system nøjagtigt? Hvordan er det gavnligt for din virksomhed?

I dag vil vi lære dig alt, hvad du har brug for at vide om CRM-automation. Lad os ikke spilde mere tid, og komme i gang.

Hvad er CRM Automation helt præcist?

CRM-systemer er designet til at hjælpe kundeservicemedarbejdere med at udføre rutinemæssige opgaver som at spore kundeinteraktioner, lagre kundedata og dele oplysninger med kollegaer. Grundlæggende er de designet til at hjælpe dig med at styre og forbedre de relationer, du har med dine kunder. Ved hjælp af et CRM kan du:

• Administrere og spore detaljer om kunderne, som tidligere spørgsmål, serviceanmodninger eller præferencer
• Give personlige, relevante opdateringer til kunderne
• Implementere dataregistrering
• Oprette e-mail-sekvenser
• Implementere chatbot-software til at samarbejde med kundeemner og kunder
• Engagere dig i lead management
• Forudsige dit salg
• Direkte besked mellem medarbejdere for bedre kundetilfredshed
• Dele filer og indhold

Hvordan kan en virksomhed drage fordel af CRM-Automation?

Som vi alle ved, er kundetilfredshed og relationer nøglen til en succesfuld forretning. Hvis dine kunder er tilfredse, så vil du også være tilfreds. Et CRM-automatiseringssystem kan hjælpe med at holde dine kunder tilfredse. Udover at hjælpe dig med at holde dine kundekontaktoplysninger ajour, så kan det også spore hver eneste kundeinteraktion for at gøre fremtidige interaktioner med dine kunder mere personlige.

Ja, du kan spore alle disse oplysninger uden et CRM-system, men du vil kunne se, hvordan detaljer let kan gå tabt eller glemt, og hvordan du kan gå glip af et vigtigt telefonopkald.
Ved hjælp af CRM Automation behøver du ikke at bekymre dig om at gå glip af vigtige opkald eller kundeemner, fordi det hele er lige foran dig.

Ikke kun det, men CRM Automation kan også spare dig og dine medarbejdere meget tid. Vidste du for eksempel, at salgsrepræsentanter bruger 17% af deres tid på dataindtastningsopgaver?

Dette er tid, der kan bruges på at fokusere på kundeforhold eller andre opgaver. Med CRM Automation automatiseres dataindtastningen, så dine kundeserviceagenter har mere tid til at gøre andre ting.
Men hvad har statistikken så at sige?

Ifølge statistikker genererer CRM-virksomheder, der bruger CRM-software, flere konverteringer end dem, der ikke gør det. For at være mere specifik nåede salgsrepræsentanter, der arbejdede hos virksomheder, der brugte CRM-Automation, 65% af deres salgskvoter, mens kun 22% af salgsrepræsentanterne opfyldte deres kvoter uden automatisering. (Statistik fra


Hvis du ikke allerede bruger et CRM system, så kom igang. Det vil gavne både din dagligdag og din virksomhed!